2011 Pinot Grigio 750ml
Bargetto Winery 2011 Santa Cruz County Pinot Grigio is a pale straw color and bright in the glass. The aroma profile is lively and fresh. There are notes of honeysuckles and fresh stone fruits and finishes with a lovely minerality. The stone fruit shines on the front palate and the minerals finish. There is a nice length on the finish that lingers with mouth-watering freshness. This is a fantastic summer sipper for your light eats and sunsets on the porch.
2010 Chardonnay 750ml
The aromas of ripe stone fruits and crisp citrus mingle together playfully on the nose. The palate continues to show both stone fruits and citrus with a hint of lemon rind and minerality that intrigues your taste buds and lingers on the finish. This wine is best paired with fish, sushi and Thai dishes.
2010 Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Bargetto Winery 2010 Sauvignon Blanc from the Mesa Del Rio vineyard is a pale yellow in appearance, with a slight tinge of green on the edges. The aroma profile is of fresh cut grass, grapefruit, gooseberry and finishes with light mineral notes. The palate is fresh, crisp and dry. The mineral notes shine in the mid-palate and the grapefruit and grass linger in the back of the mouth. This wine goes fantastically with antipasto, grilled vegetables, and fish. It is even one of very few wines I would suggest to accompany sushi.
2010 Muscat Canelli 500ml
Bargetto Winery 2010 Muscat Canelli is a light, pale straw in appearance with an aroma filled with spice and floral notes. Clove and honeysuckle stand out, and there is a slight citrus finish on the nose. On the palate the wine is sweet and round but not cloying. The acid brightens the finish of the wine. This is a wine that will accompany the most varied cheese plates as a dessert or an appetizer.
2010 Gewurztraminer 750ml
Bargetto Winery's 2010 Monterey County Gewurztraminer is crystal clear and a pale straw color in appearance. The aroma is everything that people love in a Gewurztraminer. The lovely perfumed aromas of lychee and rose oil along with the spice of dried cloves. The touch of residual sugar shows itself on the palate. It makes the wine round and lush across the mouth, and there is a touch of oil as the wine finishes down your throat. Everything is in harmony within this bottle. The 2010 Gewurztraminer is great with smoked Salmon and spicy Thai dishes. It also is the perfect wine for Thanksgiving dinner.
Double Gold- San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition