2010 Lodi Zinfandel 750ml
Bargetto Winery's 2010 Lodi Zinfandel has a deep ruby color that appears almost inky when poured into your glass. The aromas include ripe raspberries, freshly toasted cedar, raisins, and plum jam. The oak is very pronounced on the nose, offering layers of cedar, cocoanut, vanilla, and spice. The palate has juicy berry flavors that linger on the finish accompanied by soft, but mouth-filling tannins. This vintage of Lodi Zinfandel is best paired with spaghetti, BBQ pork ribs and blue cheese burgers.
2010 Dolcetto 750ml
The oak on the nose carries right into the palate to dance with the cherries and spices. The finish is large, mouth filling, and very round with a lengthy finish. Dolcetto is a great Italian varietal that is food friendly, like most Italian wines and pairs well with pizzas, pasta and antipasto dishes. This is made to drink, but could lay down for 2-3 years.
2009 Santa Cruz Mountains Syrah 750ml
Bargetto Winery's 2009 Santa Cruz Mountains Syrah has a rich ruby color. The nose reminds me of dried cherries and blackberry pie. There is also a subtle fresh ground black pepper note. The palate is nice and round with spiced fruit from front to back. There is a good length on the finish that is soft and caressing. The balance of this wine allows it to stand up to big red meat dishes, lovely vegetarian fare, or as a conversation starter to be sipped on.