Blackberry Wine 500ml
Chaucer's Blackberry Wine is made from 100% pure, fresh, blackberry varieties. The wine is made straight from the berries; they do not make it from blackberry juice that was made by someone else. The berries are fresh and fermented to dry. Right before bottling fresh juice is added back in to help with the sweetness and the fresh blackberry aroma. Dark, rich, berry aromas leap from the glass while the flavors are reminiscent of Grandmother's blackberry pie, if it was to be served in liquid form. This wine is always a pleasure to be enjoyed with friends and family.
Pomegranate Wine 500ml
Chaucer's is reintroducing their Pomegranate wine. Sourced from orchards in the southern San Joaquin Valley, the fruit is delicately pressed without macerating the rinds or seeds. This brilliant, ruby colored wine displays a silky elegance in the flavor profile, punctuated by its spunky acidic backbone.
Raspberry Wine 500ml
Chaucer's Raspberry Wine is produced utilizing whole fruit without the addition of artificial flavorings, concentrates or artificial colorings. Even though greater production difficulties ensue because of whole fruit fermentations, the intensity of flavor generated through this technique is worth the effort.
Apricot Wine 500ml
Chaucer's Apricot Wine transforms golden rays of sunshine into edible fruit, the juicy aromas of this ripe apricot wine will take you back into a midsummer's dream. Youthful, rich and golden, pair this mouthwatering wine with the finest of cheeses as the perfect aperitif.
Although this wine exhibits richness similar to a fine liqueur, this specialty, dessert-style beverage is not fortified and contains 9%-11.5% alcohol. Hence, this wine should be consumed shortly after purchase to enjoy its natural and rich fruit flavor. Also, it is recommended to refrigerate this delicate product after opening and to serve it chilled.
Blackberry Wine 500ml
Pomegranate Wine 500ml
Raspberry Wine 500ml
Apricot Wine 500ml